
Whatsapp for mac line break
Whatsapp for mac line break

Print_wait_time (optional, val = True) - Will print the remaining time if set to true Wait_time (optional, val = 20) - Seconds after which the message will be sent after opening the web

whatsapp for mac line break

Time_min (required) - Minutes at which you want to send message Time_hour (required) - Hours at which you want to send message in 24 hour format Message (required) - Message that you want to sendwhatmsg Phone_num (required) - Phone number of target with country code This function can be used to send WhatsApp message at certain time, kit.sendwhatmsg_instantly(.) can be used to send message instantly while kit.sendwhatmsg_to_group(.) can be used to send message to group. Wait_time (optional, val = 15) - Seconds after which the message will be sent after opening the web kit.sendwhatmsg(.) Img_path (required) - Path to image or gif or videoĬaption (required) - The text that should appear below images Phone_no (required) - Phone number of target with country code This function can be used to send Image or Gif or videos to anyone


Pip3 install pywhatkit Functions of this libraryįirst import the library using the command import pywhatkit as kit and then proceed to call the functions: kit.sendwhats_image(.) This library can be installed by the pip command, open your command prompt and type in the following command.

  • Help us test an upcoming feature - Here.
  • It is an easy to use library which does not requires you to do some additional setup.

    whatsapp for mac line break whatsapp for mac line break

    PyWhatKit is a Python library with various helpful features.

    Whatsapp for mac line break